Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Houston: 2016 Houston Chevron Marathon Thoughts

I was registered to run this past weekend's marathon in Houston. Unfortunately, I hurt my foot about 6 weeks ago and was unable to run. The marathon course runs about 200 yards from my home. So, I walked about a mile away and watched the runners pass the 5 mile mark. After about an hour or so, I walked another mile and watched the runners pass the 23 mile mark. These 2 spots were at turns and runners were passing within just a few feet. I was able to get some great photos.

It was a beautiful morning, although a little cool, to be outdoors. I was really inspired by the 30,000 plus runners in the marathon and half marathon. People of every shape, age, and personality were in the field. The runners were having a good time at the 5 mile mark and some were still having fun at the 23 mile mark. Others, were in quite a painful condition. I saw some runners who had to be attended to by medical personel. There were many people who were not going to finish the last 3 miles. Just entering the race, much less getting close to the end, is a major accomplishment and something to be proud of.

Here are a few things that I took from the event.

1. Being in great shape is no guarantee that you will finish ahead of a heavier or older person.

2. Try not to take it so serious. It's alright to just be there and have a great experience.

3. Dressing up as a super hero does not make you fast. But, it is still fun.

4. There are some amazing volunteers helping with an event this size.

5. There are also some amazing spectators and performers who are there to offer their support.

6. No handicap can prevent a determined person from completing a goal.

This list could go on forever. I want to think everyone for an enjoyable day. Hopefully, I'll stay healthy enough and run my first marathon next year!

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